A Compounding Life Mission Statement

Mission Statement:

Building a life that compounds through focusing on the three pillars of Mindset, Wealth, and Health.

By applying the concept of compound interest to your mindset, wealth, and health, you can build a perpetual improvement and growth machine that propels your life forward and upward.

“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it. He who doesn’t, pays it” – Albert Einstein

So, do you want to benefit from compound interest or do you want to pay for it over your life?

That choice is yours to make each day. I have made my choice.

This site is a dedication to improving myself daily, even by just 1% each day, which will return drastic results over time.

As I progress through this journey, I will share my lessons, skills, insights, and motivation to add value to your life so that you can create A COMPOUNDING LIFE!

This is the simple formula that fuels A Compounding Life

1% better every day: 1.01^365 = 37.4

1% worse every day: 0.99^365 = 0.03

The concept is easy enough to grasp, but commitment, consistency, and execution are where most people fail and thus never reach the full potential of their life.

Why do people fall short of reaching their full potential? I believe it is due to not focusing on the three primary pillars of A Compounding Life, which are Mindset, Wealth, and Health.

Why are Mindset, Wealth, and Health the three primary pillars of A Compounding Life?

These three concepts are interconnected and create a perpetual feedback loop that builds the foundation for the principal of compounding to occur.

  • Mindset
    • The catalyst of it all as our mindset and what we feed it dictates our results

“Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right” – Henry Ford

  • Wealth  
    • Wealth can be defined many ways, and everyone from philosophers to businessmen have done so, but we are focused on monetary wealth – how to build and make it work for you
    • Monetary wealth buys you freedom and time, which is the most precious of all finite resources

“Money gives you the freedom to do with your time what you want to do with it” – Richard Branson

  • Health
    • Without your health you have nothing to build upon and everything else you have worked for will eventually deteriorate

“To keep the body in good health is a duty…otherwise we shall not keep our mind strong and clear” – Buddha

With an unrelenting focus on Mindset, Wealth, and Health you are able to achieve and create a life that compounds and returns to you the most powerful force in the world!